So about two nights ago, the both of us had sort of a heated argument, for the second time over the span of our coming close to 1 year and 5 months of friendship. I must admit that I was laughing throughout the argument because it was so hilarious. I was laughing at how silly we were for arguing over stupid stuff for 3 hours. But at the same time, it hurts so much.
I am just as confused as you. We find ourselves in the same situation, a wrong situation and yet, we just want to stick to our mistakes. I love our friendship because it feels so surreal. It feels like you are just here in Singapore, when in fact you are living many many miles away from me in another country. I can't emphasise how sorry I am for hurting your feelings for the second time but I also feel terrible for letting history repeat itself. The mistake is that we treat each other the way we are not supposed to. If we had stick to our initial agreement on how we should treat each other, we would not find ourselves in this situation.
And I feel terribly mad at you when you said you would rather suffer in silence just for my happiness. You know, it doesn't work this way at all... )'=