Saturday, April 19, 2014

May angels lead you in

I've finally had the courage to blog about this. It took me long enough to find the right words to say after listening to 'Hear You Me' by Jimmy Eat World so many times.

Aquaintance. You were just an aquaintance whom I got to spend three days of my life with. We were then, the only 'girls' in the entire batch, which was why they attached me to your group. I remember the counsellors told me that I had to 'protect' you from the boys. Thinking back, it was really funny of them saying that because you had to stop them from teasing me sometimes, although I know that they have no ill intentions. Our group got along really well. Initially, I was afraid to approach you because I thought you were just another typical 'ah lian'. But you proved me wrong.

You were a sweet girl. Of course, the reason why you had to join this programme in the first place was because of your mistakes. But the thing is, you did realise your mistakes and you wanted to move on from there. After the programme, you hugged me and promised me that you will never turn back to those ways again.

And you kept your promise. But God only gave you a short period of time to keep your promise. Sometimes I'd find myself asking "Why you? Why now? Why didn't He give you enough strength to wake up from that coma?"

But we all know that you had fought hard. Two years of battling. It was definitely tough. I hope you're happy wherever you are. It was definitely a pleasure to have known you.

"May angels lead you in, hear you me my friends. On sleepless roads the sleepless go, may angels lead you in..."

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