Sunday, April 13, 2014



'Hello', in the first place, isn't the right word people would use to greet you. It's been almost two years since I've talked to you. Today feels like the perfect night to talk to you as the lyrics in the songs meant for you start to speak to me.

How are you? Actually, do people even ask you this question?

Anyway, my point here is that I realised my love for you has never changed even after I stopped talking to you. It seems weird, I know. People judge me when I say such things. I don't care. All I know is that I want to start that relationship with you again.

I don't know where to start from. It's not like what I've done in the past few years with you is 'right'. Am I supposed to pray everyday? Pick up the Bible and start reading from Matthew? Go back to a church and worship like the rest? Is that the way to be a good Christian? I don't know.

It seems very hypocritical of me to say that I have surrendered my life to you. But I think I have and I always have.

Will you accept me with my million doubts?

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